
Webinar: Mental Health of Refugee Children:
New Findings on Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (BIOPATH Study)

In this webinar, broadcast on October 26 2022, we introduced the BIOPATH study and presented recent research findings on the prevalence and predictors of mental health problems in Syrian refugee children, as well as predictors of psychological resilience, and the association between war exposure and hair cortisol.

You can access the Slides from the BIOPATH Webinar [PDF 2,820KB] here and watch a recording of the webinar below.

Webinar: Telephone-Delivered Psychological Treatment for Children in Humanitarian Settings: Results of the t-CETA Study

In this webinar, broadcast on February 24 2021, we introduced the key elements of t-CETA and shared our first-hand experience of delivering it in Lebanon.

We presented qualitative and quantitative research findings on the feasibility, acceptability and efficacy of the programme, and shared free resources that were developed as part of the project. You can access the Slides from the t-CETA Webinar [PDF 3,448KB] here and watch a recording of the webinar below.